It’s been another busy few weeks at Lashes HQ !
Lashes HQ, our pre loved shop is also buzzing thanks to all of your donations and the terrific support of the volunteers. Thank you !
Over 70 Grants ! We have now given over 70 grants since we officially started in January !
Here are some of the recent ones over the past month or so..
Helping a young boy who has severe disabilities with accessories and an Ipad for his new wheelchair to make life easier for him. We have also been able to support another disabled boy with a portable hoist so he can spend more time safely outdoors and also contributing towards another boy who needed a special safety cranium helmet following a complex operation
We also love to support talented youngsters in our community. One local boy is competing in Epee fencing across Europe and we have been able to help with one of the trips to compete nationally. We have also supported a local talented cheerleading team with new kit for when they travel to Florida next year to compete
A local fundraising group started raising funds for an extra defibrillator in Clipstone. We were able to donate so the fund raising was complete to be able to purchase it
A young adult has had health issues that have really been challenging for him and delayed his education and played massively on his mental health. Once he has had his latest operation and is able to travel again, we have surprised him with a trip to Anfield to see his beloved Liverpool football team and also go and see Liverpool legends at a Superstar Speakers event who also kindly supported
We have also supported a local youngster with counselling as they are finding life so difficult and traumatic and also a Local lady who suddenly lost her young husband and had no where to turn to, with specialist help
When it rains it pours.....A local young family had problems with the fridge and oven breaking down in the same week which meant they really struggled to buy food. We took them for a weekly shop to help give them a boost
We have also supported a family who are finding things difficult and who's son has a severe lung condition (and her new born also has severe breathing issues) with bedding, underwear and essentials.
We also surprised a lovely local lady who has stage 4 cancer, giving her a break away to spend precious time with her family making memories
We have also supported the ROPE project who do tremendous work in the community with a bunk bed for a family who have come out of refuge and in desperate need of help.
Phew...Thats a lot of things and we have not included them all !
Thank you so much for continuing to support so we can help others In the community

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